winter, spring, summer, or fall...
These past few days have been a complete whirlwind of all my future responsibilities. Fortunately, I've been able to keep on top of most everything as best I can tell. Studying continues albeit at a slightly less frightening pace as previous days. The qBank seems to be less daunting every day and the results I get have been fairly consistent - in a good way. I feel prepared and yet a part of me remains absolutely mortified that I should be torturing myself with endless hours of studying. Well, whatever the case, I think the big concerns will be over after this weekend. With COMLEX-CE and ERAS out of the way, I can spend the hours I usually devote to joy and happiness to studying for the USMLE-CK. Well, not so much. But at least it will seem like a lot less pressure with only one big fire to put out.
Even with the amount of work to be done these past weeks, I'm fortunate to have the support and love of my friends and family (hi, mom and dad). I sent out my personal statement for ERAS this past Monday

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