Friday, June 10, 2005

I love my life

I remember people always told me to find a job that I love doing. These past few days in Rolla have been showed me that I will love my job. I knew as an undergraduate that I would be in healthcare. I often thought about just living life as a paramedic. I loved that job and still think about it often. However, this first week of "internship" at the hospital has given me an all new perspective on my future.

For the last seven days, I have been in a shirt and tie for half the day, people have been calling me doctor and I am doing things I dreamed about four years ago. Its a weird feeling that I didn't expect to have for another three years. I've been suturing wounds, working 16-hour shifts and scrubbing in on surgeries long after the end of my shift. Even more than that, I can't seem to get away from the hospital. The staff is great and I get to share this experience with my classmates. What a great deal.

I was in the ER this evening and there was a massive pile-up on the local highway. A mass-casualty (multiple EMS) incident was declared and our ER received a slew of patients. I remember running drills at the hospital back home, but luckily never had to actually put it into action. It was amazing. Doctors everywhere. Nurses everywhere. Radiology and respiratory techs everywhere. Patients in every room. Staff from every department was there taking care of patients. I love my job.

Afterwards, I just didn't know what to do. We were three medical students who had just seen a whirlwind of healthcare providers receive, comfort and care for so many patients. I was so drained but I just couldn't leave. We sat in the hospital like it was our home. We talked about what we had seen and done. Then, Keya delivered another baby. This job rocks.


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