Saturday, October 15, 2005

this is my life

After much distress, it seems as though I have survived another week of studying and testing. In fact, I did quite well on today's Pharmacology exam... I'm kind of waiting for what I feel to be dumb luck to wear off. I guess I am studying more than I did last year, but only because I realize that the time I have off is more precious and comes quite infrequently.

So, following the advice I give most of the new students as well as the candidates interviewing here, I took most of today off from the bondage of books and note packets to relax and hopefully recharge the medical school fuel cells. I actually am hosting a candidate tonight and I figured it would be good to get him around town and check out the laid back side of medical school. I felt it was interesting that Janet Bunch's words to us as we were leaving the Admissions office were, "Luke, keep him out of trouble."

Well, he did that and I tried to get him into most of the places I'm at when I'm not studying. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to go fishing right before dusk at Craig's place in Atlanta. The weather was great and the fish were obviously hoping to get their last meals in before the deep freeze. Pretty much everyone pulled something out of the water, but Jeremiah and I both were astounded at our ridiculously large walleye we managed to pull in. Believe you me, pictures will be forthcoming.

the fantastic sunset at craigs...

After fishing, we had dinner at Patterson's and headed out to Theta Xi and Dukum - pretty much the places that have been keeping me somewhat sane throughout the madness that is medical school. All in all, it has been a great day and hopefully, I will be refreshed enough to start tackling the next major fire, Neuroscience.


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