48 hours...
Yes, I know - its not quite as dramatic as 24 hours, but for me it is just slightly more widespread panic than drama right now. I can only equate it to standing in the line of a meteor or plane crash or stampeding herd of elephants or whatever inevitable disaster you can imagine. I have this deep-rooted sense of uncertainty despite having prepared for both board exams for the past six days. At the end of the day, I take another 100 questions and feel very comfortable with going home around 6 or 7pm only to be overcome by a sense of fear around 9pm. That pretty much initiates a panic cram session for a test that I can't conceivably cram for. So, what happens in the next forty-eight hours when there isn't time to cram? Well, I guess you let panic take over and hope to sleep well. Maybe I can let the light at the end of the tunnel bleach out some of that worry and hope that I won't have to come back to Kirksville in October to retake the exam...
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