that was a crazy game of poker
So another NCEMSF Conference has come and gone. Who would have ever thought I would go back. I mean, what could possibly convince me to leave Kirksville (for upwards of $500) to go to Philadelphia when I should be studying for finals?
Yes, I suppose that will do it. I will attest that the skim milk on the right hand side was mine.
So, sappy moment aside, what really happened this weekend? Well, it started with Bassett and Leah picking me up at the airport. And in true Triumvirate tradition, we were only in the car about three minutes before we ran to the liquor store and spent over $200 on hard liquor. "$200," you say? Yes, well, that's because Pennsylvania is retarded and denies citizens the ability to shop for both liquor and beer at the same establishment. So, how does one find a legal beer distributor in Pennsylvania? The answer is: "throw yourself in the path of a car driven by two local drunken prostitutes." Ok. Maybe they weren't prostitutes, but they were certainly drunk. Anyway, methods aside, we encountered a beer distributor shortly thereafter. However, we were still short mixers - because who can drink hard alcohol without pineapple juice? Really! So there was driving around the Not-So-Grand Plaza and Philadelphia in search of a grocery store. Not even the local psychic could aid us in our valiant quest for pineapple juice. So, the search ended very abruptly and we returned to the hotel. That was about it for the events of Friday.
Saturday, however, was much more interesting. Lectures were decent and I was near-convinced to start packing my bags for Muhlenberg, PA for my third and fourth year rotations. Entertainment is always to be had when Dr. Ed Dickinson is lecturing about... well, anything. A couple lectures later, and much anatomy studying completed, there was an incredible dinner that preceeded an incredible amount of drinking.
Where else could you find forty people from four different states in one hotel room?
That pretty much chronicles the debauchery that often coincides with NCEMSF's annual National Conference. Conveniently enough, there was significantly decreased scandal and property damage despite the proximity to open water. I enjoyed myself immensely. I wouldn't have thought it before, but I truly wish I could have had more time to spend with everyone in Philly, but unfortunately, I could not. New friends and old, it was a great weekend.
P.S. Photos shamelessly stolen from Chris Smith's site.