on the road...
The whirlwind of quarter 6 is officially over. As best I can tell, I passed all of my classes and may have done even better than last quarter. Although this is great, it is somewhat surprising given my utter lack of motivation these past days. Even so, classes are done, finals have been taken, and I am halfway to Arizona.
For the most part, Buddy and I left right after the Principles of Medicine final this morning. Because he needed to drop off his dog, he volunteered to drive his car. Given my history of mid-trip narcolepsy, I gladly yielded. We were immediately faced with a couple of obstacles. First, Buddy's car radio went on the abberantly stopped functioning; no static, no signal - nothing. We thought we were saved when it magically sprang to life about twenty miles outside of town but were then dealt a cruel trick of fate when we were pulled over by highway patrol and Buddy was forced to turn off the car. As is Missouri custom, the trooper had him sit in the car as he went through the ticketing motions. The radio would not be reanimated for the remaining miles of the trip.
This would be bearable if I were able to make conversation, a skill in which I am deficient. It was like an awkward twelve-hour haircut where I sat silent as the barber made painstaking efforts to start a conversation. I felt even worse as my eyes began to feel the weight of sleep deprivation. Before I knew it, I would be unconscious with my head dangling aimlessly from my torso. All I could imagine was the mind-numbing boredom I must have been providing.
Regardless, we have safely arried in Colorado in the gracious care of Buddy's parents. We plan to have a short breakfast tomorrow before continuing the drive out to Arizona. Hopefully I will provide better company following a restful night of sleep.
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