So, I'm back in Kirksville and the madness that is medical school has begun again. Thanksgiving was a great time and I got to meet up with the gang again. It was somewhat surreal to be back on the Georgetown campus again, but it was great recounting old memories with the people that I shared one the best years of my life.

the three musketeers...
We spent Thanksgiving at Mary's and at a delicious Thanksgiving dinner cooked by Mary and some of her classmates. It was really interesting to talk shop with students from other medical schools, not to mention students from allopathic medical schools. Although I know that I didn't need to prove anything, I was nice to be able to represent the osteopathic profession intelligently and have productive conversations with other medical students.
So, here I am back in Kirksville again. We started our sixth quarter which promises to be interesting and much less stressful than our last quarter. We start our clinical courses and board exam preparations this quarter. In other school related news, I am starting to think about applying for a fellowship position in medical education. I'm a bit torn because I would really like to get on with my life and be done with school, but I think it would be a great opportunity to learn the dirty details about how medical school is run and work with our professors in clinical education. More on that as it develops...